Capri Documentation

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Getting Started


You can install Capri in one of two ways:

Compiling From Source

  1. Ensure Stack and Git are installed. *
  2. Clone the git repository git clone
  3. Run stack build inside the cloned repository.
  4. The resulting binary can be found under ./.stack-work/dist/<something>/build/capri-exe/.

* It's recommended to install Stack via ghcup.

Downloading Precompiled Binaries

Check the releases page for the latest precompiled binaries.


Using the Capri compiler requires clang to be installed at the very least. It's recommended to have the rest of LLVM installed as the compiler will be able to make additional optimizations.

Source Directory

Running the compiler without any arguments will treat the current directory as the project source directory (i.e. where all of your .capri files are). To manually specify the source directory, pass it in as an argument.

capri path/to/dir/

Standard Library

By default, the compiler will include the standard library. To disallow this, use the --no-stl flag.

capri --no-stl

Output Path

To specify the output path, use the -o (--out) option.

capri -o path/to/output

Use the -h flag for information on all command line options.

Basic Concepts


In Capri, nearly everything is an expression by design. An expression is something that has a value.

Literal Expressions

Literal expressions are simply things like integer/float literals, boolean literals, string literals, character literals, and so on.

// Integers
// Floats
// Booleans
// Unit

Block Expressions

Even code blocks are treated as expressions! They evaluate to whatever the last expression is. If there is no final expression, they implicitly evaluate into () (unit).

// This code block evaluates to 12.34
    let stuff = xyz();
// There's no final expression in this one - so it implicitly evaluates into a ()
    let res = call_some_func(42);
    if res { ... } else { ... };
    12.34; // This is not an expression, it's an expression statement

If Expressions

if cond a b

Match Expressions

match xyz {
    // ...

We will discuss if expressions, match expressions, and even lambda expressions later on.


Declaring, initializing, and using variables are some of the most fundamental ideas in programming.

Declaring and Initializing Variables

let abc = 10;
let xyz = false;

In Capri, all variables must be initialized when declared.

Using Variables

let a = 1;
let b = 2;
a + b // Evalues to 3


By default, all variables are immutable. This means you can't assign to them (mutate them).

let message = "hello";
message = "goodbye"; // ERROR: 'message' is immutable

Declaring Mutable Variables

To declare a variable as mutable, use the mut keyword before the variable name.

let mut message = "hello";
message = "goodbye";


Functions are a cruicial aspect of programming - any decent programming language should support defining functions and procedures. Capri in particular puts a strong emphasis on functional programming: to build up complexity through the composition of simpler functions.

Defining Functions

Functions can be defined with the fn keyword. Type annotations are optional as the compiler supports type inference. (However, until parametric polymorphism is implemented, you may have to add some type annotations to prevent the compiler from inferring a polymorphic function).

All functions evaluate to a single expression if there is no return statement.

fn example()
fn addFive(n)
    n + 5;
fn greet(name: str): unit {
    print("Hello, ");
fn factorial(n) {
    if n == 0 { return 1; };
    // ...

Calling Functions

Functions are invoked as one would normally expect.

greet("Capri"); // Outputs 'Hello, Capri'
addFive(example()); // Evaluates to 128


It's essential for a functional programming language to allow functions being defined in terms of themselves (recursively).

fn factorial(n)
    if n <= 1
        n * factorial(n - 1);

Language Features

Moving on from basic programming concepts. These are the features which make Capri stand out.

User Defined Operators

Capri is designed with user extensibility in mind. Because of that, defining your own operators is a key feature that it offers.

Defining an operator is similar to defining a function, except you must specify a fixity and a precedence.

// Exponentiation operator
op infixr 10 ** (base, exp) {
    let mut count = 0;
    let mut res = 1;
    while cout < res {
        res = res * base;
        count = count + 1;
2 ** 6 // Evaluates to 64

All possibile fixities are: infix, infixl, infixr, prefix, postfix. The precedence can be an arbitrarily large positive integer.

Algebraic Data Types

The expressive type system is an important part of Capri, which is why being able to define new data types is an esssential feature. Algebraic data types are new types created by composing other data types. All algebraic data types are ultimately composed from the base types.


Records, also known as product types, are very similar to structs from languages such as C. In Capri they are slightly different as record types are anonymous.

type Person = {name: str, age: i64, height: f64};

To use records, there are a few record operations which we will see next.


Enums are also known as sum types. They are identical to enums found in other languages such as Rust. Unlike record types, enums are not anonymous - allowing them to be defined recursively (Isorecursive types).

enum MaybeStr = <just(str), none>;

enum BinaryTree = <item(i32), left(BinaryTree*), right(BinaryTree*)>;

Enums are handled through pattern matching (with match expressions).

Using Records

To interact with records, Capri provides a few record operations: extension, restriction, and selection.

Record Extension

Extending a record simply means adding another field (row) to it. The syntax is {field | recordBeingExtended}.

type Person = {name: str, age: i64, height: f64};
type EmployedPerson = {salary: f64 | Person};
let bob: Person = {name = "Bob", age = 17, height = 170.18};
let joe: EmployedPerson = {salary = 123.45 | bob};

Record Restriction

Restriction is essentially the inverse of extension. You remove a row from the record. The syntax is {recordBeingRestricted - label}.

bob == {joe - salary}

Record Selection

This is just simply indexing a record. (Syntax record.label).

print( // Outputs 'Bob'

Using Enums

To extract values from an enum, you must pattern match against it and handle all of the different possible cases. Currently, Capri does not perform static exhaustiveness checks - meaning, an unhandled case in a match expression will result in a runtime error.

enum MaybeStr = <just(str), none>;

fn test(a) {
    match a {
        MaybeStr::just(s) => print(s),
        MaybeStr::none => print("none")

fn main() {
    let abc = MaybeStr::just("exists");
    let xyz = MaybeStr::none;

    test(abc); // Outputs 'exists'
    test(xyz); // Outputs 'none'

Module System

It's important for large codebases to be split apart and organized into different sections, each serving their own purpose. Capri provides a module system for this reason.

Every .capri file is a module (the name of the module does not necessarily have to be the name of the file). The path to it from the root project directory will be the module path. For example, if you have a project organized like this:

The qualified name for the test module would be someDirectory::test, and the qualified name for the main module will just simply be main. The compiler requires a module named main to be at the very top level of the project (and it must contain a main function).

Creating and Importing Modules

Every .capri file is a module and therefore needs a module definition on the very first line. A module definition is simply module <module name>;.

To import a module, use the import keyword (e.g. import someDirectory::test;). The path to the imported module is always absolute (from the project root directory), and not relative to the module that's importing it.

Circular Dependencies

The compiler performs dependency checking and any circular dependencies will result in a compile time error. Well-organized code should not have to result to mutually recursive modules.

Controlling Visibility With pub

By default, any imports and top-level definitions made in a module are not exported. Use the pub keyword to indicate that a certain top-level definition should be made public, or use it to indicate that imports should be 'passed down'. For example:

module example;
import abc::xyz;
pub import some::other::mod;
pub type MyType = {a: i64, b: bool};
fn privateFunction() { ... };
pub fn publicFunction() { ... };

Any module which imports example will behave as if they also imported some::other::mod, and they will also have access to MyType and publicFunction.


As one of Capri's aims is to be a functional programming language, being able to define polymorphism is an essential feature. Currently Capri only supports parametric polymorphism, but ad-hoc polymorphism and row polymorphism are planned.

Parametric Polymorphism

// The identity function
fn id(x)

fn main() {
    print(id(123)); // Outputs 123
    print(id("abc")); // Outputs 'abc'

Under the hood, polymorphism essentially acts as syntactic sugar. The compiler goes through a monomorphization pass where it finds all the types a polymorphic function has been instantiated with, and generates copies of the function for each unique instantiation.


Calling External Functions

Capri provides the extern keyword to interact with functions defined elsewhere. Essentially, it adds a dummy entry into the typing environment when semantic analysis happens, and it is up to the programmer to ensure that the function will exist when compiled. By using this keyword, you are throwing away any guarantees made by the static analysis in the compiler. Currently it's used by the standard library.

module io;
extern printf : str, str -> unit;
fn print(text: str): unit {
    printf("%s", text);
// ...

The extern keyword may be removed/changed at any time, so it's not recommended to be used unless absolutely necessary.